Stunned woman surrounded by a pig pile of laundry

Common Laundry Mistakes: Are You Making These Errors?

Laundry is one of those chores that often feels like a never-ending cycle. We all want fresh, clean clothes, but sometimes, despite our best efforts, we end up with less-than-stellar results. So, what gives? Well, it turns out that many of us are making common laundry mistakes that can affect the quality of our wash. Let’s dive into some of these blunders and how you can avoid them for the best laundry results!


1. Overloading the Washing Machine

We get it—life is busy, and you want to get through your laundry as quickly as possible. However, cramming too many clothes into your washing machine is a recipe for disaster. When you overload it, your clothes can’t move freely, which means they won’t get cleaned thoroughly. Instead, aim to fill your washer to about three-quarters full for optimal cleaning. This way, your detergent can work its magic, and your clothes will come out looking fresh!

2. Using Too Much Detergent

More fabric detergent doesn’t necessarily mean cleaner clothes. Using too much can lead to a residue buildup on your fabrics that can make them feel stiff and dull. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the detergent bottle and adjust based on load size. If you’re using a high-efficiency washer, remember that it requires less detergent than a traditional model. Trust us, your clothes—and wallet—will thank you!

3. Neglecting to Sort Clothes

Sorting your laundry might seem like a tedious task, but it’s essential for maintaining the quality and longevity of your clothing. Mixing light and dark colors can lead to unexpected dye transfers, turning that crisp white shirt into a pastel pink nightmare. Additionally, separating delicate fabrics from heavier items can prevent snags and tears. Take a few extra minutes to sort your laundry into whites, colors, and delicates—it’s worth it!

4. Ignoring Care Labels

Every piece of clothing comes with a care label that provides vital information on how to wash, dry, and iron it properly. Ignoring these labels can lead to shrinkage, fading, or damage to your favorite garments. For instance, washing a delicate silk blouse in hot water can ruin it, while not drying your cotton towels properly can leave them stiff and scratchy. Make it a habit to check those labels before tossing items into the wash!

5. Skipping the Pre-Treatment

Stains happen, and when they do, it’s tempting to toss your stained clothes straight into the washing machine. However, skipping the pre-treatment step can result in stubborn stains that refuse to budge. Before washing, take a moment to treat any stains with a stain remover or a bit of detergent. Gently rub the product into the stain and allow it to sit for a few minutes before washing. This extra effort can make a world of difference!

6. Using the Wrong Water Temperature

Not all fabrics are created equal, and neither are water temperatures. While hot water is effective for killing germs and removing tough stains, it can also shrink or damage certain fabrics. For example, using hot water on your favorite sweater could lead to an unfortunate laundry disaster. Generally, cold water is best for dark colors and delicate items, while warm water works well for most everyday fabrics. Reserve hot water for whites and heavily soiled items.

7. Forgetting to Clean the Washing Machine

Just like your clothes, your washing machine needs some TLC too! Over time, detergent residue, lint, and even mildew can build up inside your washer, leading to unpleasant odors and less effective cleaning. Make it a routine to run an empty cycle with hot water and vinegar or a washing machine cleaner every month. This will help keep your machine fresh and running efficiently.

8. Not Drying Clothes Properly

After the wash cycle, it’s easy to toss your clothes into the dryer without a second thought. However, improper drying can lead to wrinkled, shrunken, or even damaged garments. Pay attention to the drying instructions on the care labels, and consider air-drying delicate items to preserve their shape and fabric quality. If you do use the dryer, don’t overload it, and make sure to clean the lint trap regularly to ensure proper airflow.

9. Leaving Clothes in the Washer

Life can get hectic, and sometimes we forget about our laundry until it’s too late. Leaving wet clothes in the washer for too long can lead to musty odors and mildew growth. Set a timer or reminder on your phone to help you remember to transfer your clothes to the dryer promptly. If you do forget and your clothes start to smell, a quick rewash should help freshen them up.


AlClean is thrilled to show you its exciting range of fabric cleaning products, featuring our newly released fabric detergent that’s ready to outshine any other detergent you’ve been using.

So visit here! Explore our fantastic selection of products that cater to all your laundry needs and get ready to transform your laundry routine for the better.